Monday, October 26, 2020

Relax Your Body and Mind with Crystal Singing Bowl Healing Therapy

Crystal Singing Bowl Therapy is a form of healing that has been scientifically proven. Research studies have shown that this form of therapy can assist in the wellbeing of both the physical and mental health of a person. The therapy is carried out by creating vibrations in the crystal molecules.

Similar to a musical instrument, everybody has a vibration that is a signature of their health. Our bodies can fall out of tune, when we experience poor health. The sound and vibration of the Crystal Singing Bowl can help re-tune us and therefore boost the healing process.

This therapy can stimulate deep into the body tissues which promotes healing from within. It helps to heal by reinstating the natural sense of balance and harmony.

The result are as follows:

• Restoration of natural healing

• Repair the cells

• Relieve from fatigue, fatigue and numbness

• Increased freshness and energy

• Helps stimulate senses in the body

• Boost the body and mind function

• Manage emotional stress and anxiety

• Relieve physical pain and trauma

Due to the tremendous benefits, Akesis Life highly recommends the Crystal Singing Bowl Healing Therapy as a form of supportive treatment approach for cancer patients and also for those who are keen on good health.

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Post Cancer treatment care

Even after completion of Cancer treatment, Cancer patients should not ignore the following:

• Regular health check

• Looking out for abnormalities

• Possibility of residual Cancer-causing recurrence

Everyone wants to return to the normal routine immediately. However, the prevention of Cancer recurrence is key.

Risk of exposure to toxins can lead to the return and spread of the cancer if there are no proper supervision or control of factors such as:

• Negative emotions

• Unhealthy foods

• Toxic environment and more

We at Akesis Life recognize the importance of post Cancer treatment care and patient education in order to avoid the possibility of Cancer recurrence. We have created a program to assist patients in enhancing their ability to care for themselves the right way. The program includes the following:

• Teaching lifestyle adjustments

• Teaching of healthy cooking methods

• Mood adjustment

• Immunity enhancement

• Elimination of waste and toxins through various pathways

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EGCG – The Natural Antioxidant Against Cancer

EPIGALLOCATECHIN GALLATE (EGCG), is a concentrated green tea extract. It is a natural form of natural antioxidant that is 25-100 times more powerful than vitamin C and vitamin E. Research studies on the properties of green tea found that EGCG has the following benefits:

• Reduce inflammation

• Protect normal cells from destruction

• Destroy the cancer cells

• Help stop the growth of cancer cells

EGCG has a positive clinical outcome for the treatment of the following types of cancers:

• Bladder cancer

• Breast cancer

• Ovarian cancer

• Large distal cancer or rectum

• Esophageal cancer

• Lung cancer

• Pancreatic cancer

• Sperm gland cancer

• Skin cancer

• Stomach cancer

It is an effective weapon against the body’s Oxidation process which is a key contributor to the development of cancer.

EGCG brings about many health benefits. In combination with various Integrative Medicine treatment pathways, EGCG can play a vital role in the rehabilitation, health management and quality of life of cancer patients.

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Detox – The Key to Eliminating Toxins after chemotherapy and radiation

Detoxification or Detox in short is not only useful in terms of cancer prevention. In addition, Detox is also helpful to cancer patients who underwent chemotherapy and radiation. Many sufferers still have a lot of toxins (chemotherapy and radiation release inflammatory substances) in the body that needs to be removed and Detox is the answer.

Chemotherapy puts the body in a weakened state. Sufferers may have the following symptoms:

• joint pains

• muscle pains

• headaches

• fatigue

• bloating

• mood swings and more

All the above are telltale signs that toxins are still in the body and the risk of complications that they might bring about. Therefore, Detox is the Key to the road to recovery.

Detoxification can help enhance and stimulate the body’s natural toxin removal function. It is a formidable weapon that enhances the effectiveness of Cancer treatment and at the same time has the capability of reducing any secondary risk.

The post Detox – The Key to Eliminating Toxins after chemotherapy and radiation appeared first on Akesis Life - Integrative Oncology.